Zemljovid prikazuje veliko područje Rijeka Drine i Bojane. koje obuhvaća dio Dubrovačke Republike, južni dio Mletačke Dalmacije (Kotor) i zaleđe koje su držali Turci i koje se sastojalo od Crne Gore, Albanije i Kosova. Objavljen je u trećem izdanju atlasa “Mari, golfi, isole…”. Zemljovid je nastao za vrijeme Mletačko-Turskog rata za Moreju (1683-1699) i njegov sadržaj to odražava. Dokaz je mala legenda koja ulazi u sam zemljovid. Naime, pokraj svakog većeg naselja nalazimo bilješku koja ukazuje na broj pravoslavnih, katoličkih i muslimanskih kuća. Isto tako postoje i bilješke of mjestima sukoba i to naročito o mjestima pobjeda nad Turcima. Unutar Mletačkog teritorija oznčena je administrativna podjela. Reljef je samo povremeno naznačen redovima sjenčanih brežuljaka kojine pokazuju stvarne karakteristike područja. Barokna kartuša u donjem lijevom kutu sadrži naziv zemljovida. Udaljenosti su izražene u talijanskim miljama.The map shows the greater area of the rivers Drina and Bojana, that comprises a part of the Republic of Dubrovnik, the south part of the Venetian Dalmatia (Kotor), and the inland zone held by the Turks with Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo. It was published in the third issue of the atlas "Mari, golfi, isole…" edited by Coronelli. The map was produced during the Venetian-Turkish war for Morea (1683-1699). As it was created in a war atmosphere its contents were conditioned by it. About this witness a small map legend that reaches into the map image. Namely, next to each greater settlement a note is written down stating the number of orthodox, catholic and Moslem houses. Notes are often made about places of conflict with the Turks, especially about Venetian victories over Turkish forces. Within the Venetian owned territory administrative organization boundaries are indicated. The relief is only sporadically denoted by lines of shaded hills unable to feature real characteristics of the geographic area. A baroque cartouche in the lower left corner of the map contains the title. A mileage scale is in Italian miles.