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Home Maps Authors u-z Carniolia Antiqua, Siue` pars Norici et Carniae


Inventory number 549
Original title: Carniolia Antiqua, Siue` pars Norici et Carniae Antiqq Iapydia Antiqua Histria Ant. Et Panonia Ant Pars
Publishing year: 1680
Place of publishing and publisher: Wagensperg
Format: 40,5 x 30 cm
Technique: Copper engraving

Like in another map from the Felbar Collection (inv. no. 548), in this map Valvasor also seeks to extend the knowledge of Carniolan history in a wider spatial context. It was published in the book Carniolia antiqua et nova. Antiqua Japydica, Hyperborea, Celtic, Pannonica, Norica, Istrica, Carnica, Romana, Vandalica, Gotthica, Langobardica, Slavica,… in the early 1980s in Ljubljana (inv. no. 398 in the Felbar Collection). In terms of content, there is a connection to a similar Mercator’s map from the late 16th and the early 17th century, but also to the works of connoisseurs of Istria, from Forlani and Bertelli to Coppo and Camocio, which means that in his workshop Valvasor gathered the available knowledge when preparing his monumental books. In terms of content, this map is similar to the previous one, both in dimensions and decorations. Some differences are visible only in the text of the title cartouche and in the horonyms, that is, the border division. In this case, these are the names of the traditional ancient provinces, from Norica to Iapydia, Panonia, Histria and Liburnia, with an emphasis on Carnia as the old name for Carniola, located much to the west, in the area which would later become Friuli. Heraldic elements, sailing warships, a graphical scale, and a compass rose retained almost the same location on the map, although they were somewhat altered. Istria (Histria) is complete on this map and the toponymy is recorded in Latin.

Johann Weikhard Valvasor (1641-1693), Slovenian engraver, publisher and political historian. In the castle Bogenšperk he set up his own engraver's workshop where the famous Croatian cartographer Pavao Ritter Vitezoić had also opportunity to study cooper-engraver's artistry. Valvasor produced many town views and several regional maps. Valvasor’s most noted work is “Slava Vojvodine Kranjske" (Die Ehre des Herzogthums Crain) (The Glory of the Duchy of Carniola).
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