Similar to the vedute of Zadar (inv. no. 540) and Šibenik (inv. no. 541), Francesco Valegio presented this panoramic view of Poreč from a bird's eye view, observed from the sea. The map is completely identical to Rafaello Savonarola's 18th-century depiction and it is of the same dimensions (inv. no. 391), and there is noticeable similarity with Braun-Hogenberg's work on the same subject. For this version, sources state that it was published in the work Raccolta de le piu illustri et famose citta di tutto il mondo. The city is well protected by small islands, one of which is St. Nicholas’, carrying a depiction of a lighthouse. On the island, Venetian Benedictines blessed new ships and issued “Miraculous Medals” to protect seafarers from distress at sea, which resulted in a lucrative business. Poreč is fortified, especially from the sea, while the land rampart is visible only from the east. The structure of the buildings within the city walls is schematized, with the exception of a few towers and bell towers and the Euphrasian Basilica complex. There are several Venetian warships with auxiliary vessels in front of the city. The city's hinterland to the north comprises unpopulated foothills with dense vegetation. The title is located below the upper edge and the alternative title (Histrie siue Dalmatie opp) in the lower left corner.