Inventory number 207
Original title: Curzola
Publishing year: 1532
Place of publishing and publisher: Venezia
Format: 8,8 x 14,5 cm
Technique: Wood-cut
This isolario-style representation of the island of Korčula was first published in Bordones’s Isolario entitled “Isolario di Benedetto Bordone Nel qual si ragiona di tutte l’ isole del mondo, con li lor nomi antichi moderni, historie, favole, mondi del loro vivere, in qual parte del mare stanno, in qual parallelo clima giaciono”. After its first appearance in 1528 the Isolario went through several editions. This isolario-style representation of Korčula is from the second edition published in 1532. The map shows the whole island schematically represented with its topography roughly illustrated in the form of molehills. This isolario-style map image of Korčula was based on the similar representation of Korčula appeared in the 1485 issue of Bartolomeo dalli Sonetti’s Isolario published in Venice.
BENNEDETTO BORDONE (1460-1531), an Italian cartographer and graphic artist native from Padua. He became famous for his isolarios (books of sea-charts). The first edition of his most famous work was published in Venice in 1528. The title of his work is "Isolario di Benedetto Bodone Nel quale si ragiona di tutte l'isole del mondo, con li lor nomi antichi e moderni, historie, favole, e mondi del loro vivere, e in qual parte del mare stanno, e in qual parallelo e clima giaciono. This nautical chart atlas went through several editions (1532, 1534, 1537, 1547). The map images in Bordone's Isolario are made on Bartolomeo dalli Sonetti's sources as he published a very similar isolare in Venice in 1485.