Inventory number 313
Original title: Carte des Pays Illyriens ou Croates de l' Empire d' Autriche...
Publishing year: 1820
Place of publishing and publisher: Paris
Format: 40 x 25 cm
Technique: Partially coloured lithograph
This map of the French cartographer Dufour shows the Austrian Illyria with neighbouring countries. In 1805, Napoleon conquered Istria and Dalmatia, in 1806, the Republic and Dubrovnik and in 1809 also Croatia south of the river Sava. The whole area conquered was included into Napoleon’s Illyria with Ljubljana as its capital. After the collapse of French administration in 1813, the Austrian Emperor Frantz Joseph II took possession of that area applying to it the name of “Austrian Illyria” which was made up of the following units: Carinthia, Carniola, Goritza, Istria and Croatia south of the river Sava. Besides the Austrian Illyria, the map also shows Styria and Dalmacija not making part of the Austrian Illyria and Bosnia still included in the Ottoman Empire.
DUFOUR, ADOLPHE HYPPOLITE (1798-1865), pariški geograf i nakladnik karata i atlasa. Poznat je i pod imenom AUGUSTE-HENRI DUFOUR. Tvrdio je da je učio kod kartografa Emila Lapia a radio je s Charlesom Dyonnetom i Duvotenayem. Njegov nasljednik bio je Alexandre Vuillemin. Najvažniji radovi su mu Atlas Classique iz 1830. godine, Atlas Historique iz 1840., Océanie iz 1851. i 1863., Atlas Historico iz 1852., Atlas Universel iz 1860. i Atlas Géographique iz 1861. godine. Najpoznatiji je njegov rad atlas iznimno velikog formata Atlas Universel physique, historique at politique geographie ancienne et moderne.